Emergency Phones

Emergency phones are located throughout Grounds, in UVA garages, and in surrounding neighborhoods. Emergency phones on Grounds typically connect to the UVA Police Department; emergency phones off Grounds, easily identifiable by their blue light, connect to the Emergency Communications Center (911). To call for help on outdoor phones with a blue light, press the button in the area labeled "EMERGENCY." A dispatcher will answer and assist you. The dispatcher will also instantly have information on the exact location of the phone you activated. If a caller doesn't speak or can't speak, an officer is immediately dispatched to the phone site. See the web page located HERE for maps indicating the locations of Police Emergency Phones on Grounds.

Information about the Emergency Phone Program and the link to the Public Emergency Phones Dashboard with details about phone locations and a place to report an emergency phone problem is posted under the “Safety Technology” tab on the Department of Safety and Security website.  

 Map of Blue Light Phones