File a Complaint

All complaints, including any anonymous complaints, received by the University of Virginia Police Department will be investigated. Complaints may be made in person, by telephone, or in writing including by electronic mail.

Typically, complaints will be made to Patrol Shift Commanders or the Security Shift Supervisors. The Patrol Shift Commander or Security Shift Supervisor may attempt to resolve minor complaints that he or she receives by an explanation of departmental policy and procedures, where applicable. Attempts to resolve complaints shall be noted on the Citizen Complaint Form. If the supervisor is unable to resolve the issue immediately it will be referred to the Chief of Police for assignment.

The person will document the complaint in writing on the Citizen Complaint Form and promptly forward it to the Chief of Police or their designee. If the complaint alleges a potential violation of the law, use of excessive force, use of deadly force or any other incident likely to have an adverse impact upon the Department, the person will immediately make notifications through the chain of command. 

The Patrol Shift Commander or Security Shift Supervisor receiving a complaint in person will provide the complainant with a copy of the completed Citizen Complaint Form. The form copy shall serve as an acknowledgement that the complaint was received by the Department.

Any citizen making a complaint by telephone or in writing including email will receive a copy of the Citizen Complaint Form, unsigned by the complainant, by mail or e-mail. 

The Citizen Complaint Form can be found here.